Gin & Good Guys is here!!!

Y’all, Gin & Good Guys is here! I love Eric and Joan so much, and I hope you do too. This is also one of the few times I have a character with teenage kids. Let me tell you, parenting teens is a lot of fun and definitely interesting. Anyway, I can’t wait to see […]

Posted September 26, 2023 by katrinamarieauthor in Journal / 0 Comments

Cover Reveal: Once Upon a Halloween Night

Y’all I’m so excited to bring you a novella set in the Out of the Ashes series. It follows our favorite chef, Patrick. But today is the cover reveal!!! The Indie Pen PR and Beyond The Bookshelf Publishing Services along with: Lauren Helms, Aubree Valentine, Kate Stacy, Mel Walker, Susan Renee, Katrina Marie, Courtney W. […]

Posted September 7, 2023 by katrinamarieauthor in Journal / 0 Comments

My favorite books so far in 2023

This has been a super slow reading year for me. Though, I’m ahead on my reading goal, so there’s that. But I wanted to share with you some of the books I’ve read this year, and absolutely loved. All of these books have made it to my favorites shelf. Young Adult You Should See Me […]

Posted July 7, 2023 by katrinamarieauthor in Journal / 0 Comments

Cocktails & Crushes is on sale!!!

Out of the Ashes will be the best bar in the county. At least that’s what I promised my uncle before he passed away. With all the changes we’re making, more challenges arise. The crowd seems to get rowdier with every day that passes, and it’s getting harder to keep my head above water. That […]

Posted July 1, 2023 by katrinamarieauthor in Journal / 0 Comments

My Summer TBR

Summertime means days by the pool reading and sipping on a beverage. But if it’s too hot, you’ll find me inside lost between the pages of a book. My TBR is never ending. There are so many books I want to read, and I doubt I’ll ever have the time to read them all. I […]

Posted May 30, 2023 by katrinamarieauthor in Journal / 0 Comments
Mother’s Day Sale!!

Mother’s Day Sale!!

In celebration of Mother’s Day, I’m putting Welcome to Your Life and Brews & Bartenders on sale on my website! It’s the only place you’ll be able to find the sale! The code is good for ebook & paperback. Welcome to Your Life >> Brews & Bartenders >> Code: MOTHERSDAY

Posted May 9, 2023 by katrinamarieauthor in Journal / 0 Comments

Backed by Love is available now!

Twenty-five of your favorite authors have banned together to bring you Backed by Love, an anthology with 100% of the royalties going to a reputable charity helping those in affected areas– the Turkish Red Crescent (the Turkish arm of the Red Cross). Enjoy these stories of hope and love and help us support those affected […]

Posted April 3, 2023 by katrinamarieauthor in Journal / 0 Comments