Gifts for Writers

Buying gifts for the writer in your life can be difficult. I’m saying this as someone who buys for my writer friends, and has to tell people what kinds of things I want. Sometimes it’s even difficult for me to figure out what to tell people.

Writing things

  • Pretty pens – Seriously, you can never go wrong with pens, or highlighters. We use them…a lot.
  • Compression gloves – I always thought I would be the one who didn’t need them. But…as much as my fingers are on this keyboard, I definitely grabbed a pair.
  • Notebooks – Another thing you can never go wrong with. I absolutely love Archer & Olive, but if you need something quick, you can find great ones on Amazon. Or even your local stores. Erin Condren also has great ones if spiral bound is preferred.
  • Thesaurus – I have so many different versions, and if you don’t know which one the writer in your life would like, I have a suggestion for a subscription to one below.

Comfort items

  • Fingerless gloves – My husband doesn’t understand the point of them, but I like them for when my hands are cold and I still need to use my fingers.
  • Candles – Yep, another rec for candles. They are something I use every time I write. It’s part of what sets the mood.
  • Foot warmer – They are amazing. But maybe only because my feet are always cold.
  • Cups/Mugs – If the writer in your life is anything like me, they collect these like no other. Not only are they cute, but they also keep us hydrated during binge writing sessions.

Subscriptions for writers

  • One Stop For Writers – This is a subscription for many thesauri related to writing. Everything from emotions to conflict. I love this site. They also have all of these in book version, but I like having access at the tips of my fingers.
  • Scribbler – You get a book, goodies, and other items that writers love.
  • 4thewords – This is a gamified site for writers. You can battle monsters and it really helps with productivity.
  • Writing Mastery – This is a huge resource of courses and information founded by Jessica Brody

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