The holiday season is here!!!! I don’t know about you, but I’m ridiculously behind on my shopping. I usually have all of it done by now. But life has been so busy I haven’t had a chance to do much of anything. But all that changes now.
If you have a reader in your life, this gift guide for readers will definitely give you some ideas. And not all of them are books, though I know the bookworm in your life is constantly adding to their TBR. I know I am.
I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge fan of blankets. Seriously, my husband constantly complains there are too many. I don’t think there is such a thing.If you know a fan of Hocus Pocus, I have this Winnifred hooded blanket, and I freaking love it. It’s so cozy and soft.
I also have a blanket similar to this faux fur one, and I absolutely love it!
I’m a sucker for ereader accessories. Seriously, I have so freaking many.
I know have one of the stands on my wishlist this year. Why? Because I’m tired of my kindle hitting me in the face when I fall asleep. And because it’s cute.
Tablet stand >> https://amzn.to/4fv3nK0
I have one of these stands for when I’m at my desk. It helps when I need to look at two screens, mostly for my craft books, but it keeps me from having to look down to often. I love it. The other plus side is you can use it with your phone to create content.
Desk stand >> https://amzn.to/3OdZVY1
I don’t have one of these yet, but it’s definitely on my list because sometimes I want to be tucked in while reading and don’t want to take my hands out of the blanket.
Page turner >> https://amzn.to/3UWPhsA
I’m also a sucker for candles. If you knew how many I go through, you’d probably side eye me. But they set the mood when I’m reading or writing. You can always go the Bath & Body Works route, which as this point I think I’ve bought every scent at the store at some point.
But I also love Novelly Yours. There’s even an entire literary line!
Novelly Yours >> https://novellyyours.com/collections/literary-collection-2
Notebooks & Pens
I don’t know about you, but I’m a notebook and pen collector. I also use page flags to mark anything I think is important. These are a few of my favorite things.
I just got this journal, and I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it yet. But it’s Hocus Pocus and I love it.
Hocus Pocus Book Journal >> https://amzn.to/3OedJBT
I also love Stalogy notebooks. They paper is thin, but I love writing on it.
Stalogy notebook >> https://amzn.to/4hQqb8v
If you like thicker paper, you can’t go wrong with Archer & Olive. The journals are amazing, and I have an entire collection. It’s a problem when it comes to buying journals.
Archer & Olive >> https://www.archerandolive.com/
This pouch will fit a kindle plus pens. You may even be able to add a notebook to it depending on the size.
Pouch >> https://amzn.to/3CuGIi6
Mildliners are my favorite to highlight passages with in physical books. They don’t really bleed through, and they have a ton of colors.
Mildliners >> https://amzn.to/3Zc4Ejg
I use these page flags all the time. I love them, and they help me mark passages that are too long to highlight.
Page flags >> https://amzn.to/4ewEfkx
Books & Subscriptions
Of course, if you know your reader well, you can get them books!
If they like fun, low angst, small town romance books, you can check out my books!
Or, if they want to see the behind the scenes process, you can gift them a subscription to my Patreon!
I think that’s it for now. If I think of anything else, I’ll add them to my Amazon Storefront. Let me know if you enjoyed this Gift Guide for Readers!
What are you getting for the reader in your life?