Book Genre: Second Chance

Baseball and Broadway

A broken heart is never an easy one to mend.

Alice spent years forming a new identity while chasing her dreams. A fresh start was just what she needed. When she scores the leading role in a Broadway hit, a new world of possibilities opens up, including singing the National Anthem at the very game her ex was playing.

The biggest mistake of Easton's life was ending things with Alice before they left for college. No woman has gotten close to him since. Instead, his primary focus is on his baseball career. While warming up before a game, a voice comes over the speakers as the Anthem is sung. A voice that causes something deep to stir inside of him.

Is it possible to rekindle a romance after so much damage was done? This game is bigger than any Easton has ever played. Two hearts are on the line. Either he'll strike out or slide into home for the win. There's only one way to find out.

Posted August 16, 2021 by katrinamarieauthor in / 0 Comments

Gone Again

I’m just fine with the status quo. So what if I’m single.

The happily ever afters that my cousins have found are something I don’t need. The company I’m working for is merging with another one, that’s what is important. Until I run into my high school sweetheart. Now I don’t know what to think.

Seeing him has to be a fluke. Right?

Nope. He’s one of my new bosses. That’s exactly what I didn’t need. He broke my heart all those years ago, and now I’m stuck seeing him Monday through Friday.

The big question is...can I push aside old wounds to keep the work environment from being hostile? Or will I fall into his arms once again?

Posted August 16, 2021 by katrinamarieauthor in / 0 Comments

Hurricanes & Halloween

I have to do the one thing I don’t want to…go back to my hometown for my high school reunion. I know I’ll run into Jaylen, my childhood best friend and the girl who broke my heart. There’s no avoiding it.

It’s supposed to be a quick in and out visit, but to my surprise Jaylen invites me to a Halloween party. Even though I know I should say no, curiosity gets the best of me.


Posted August 12, 2024 by katrinamarieauthor in / 0 Comments