Welcome to Your Life Deleted Scenes

Prologue from Jake’s Point of View

FREEDOM! That’s the only word on repeat inside my head. Hanging out with my fellow classmates around a huge ass fire is the perfect way to end senior year. Tonight, I’m going to let loose, and celebrate the reprieve I’ll have from my parents in a few short months. Being their son isn’t easy and I can’t wait to be away from them.

The only thing that would make it better is Tonya going to the same school as me. She has her own plans, and dreams, but I can’t help the frustration over her not even considering it. She’d rather go to the same school as Cami, and I’m not going to lie…that hurts.

Hell, even now, at our last big celebration after walking across the stage, she’s not by my side. These parties aren’t her thing, but she could suck it up just once to celebrate the end of this chapter of our lives.

Dylan is going on and on about his latest out of town conquest. He never dates anyone from our school. It’s weird, and I honestly doubt any of these girls actually exist. I’m not about to say that, though. Especially when we’ve been drinking and have a good buzz going for us.

Tonya’s voice floats over the low rumble of conversations. “I’m ready to go.” Surely, she’s not talking to me. We haven’t even been here that long. She taps me on the shoulder. “I said I’m ready to go, Jake.”

Turning around, I stumble a bit. I guess I’ve put away a few more beers than I realized. “Well, I’m not. Go hang out with Cami, or something.” How dare she do this tonight. Every single time we go to a party, she wants to leave instead of hanging out with everyone. Not. Tonight.

Her shoulders are set, and her back is straight. She’s not going to let this go. “Cami is hooking up with some guy. It’s hot, and I’m tired of standing around.”

“Too damn bad, Tonya. I’m not leaving so chill the fuck out,” I yell. If this wasn’t a constant, or our graduation party, it’d be different. It’s the norm, and I’m not backing down this time.

Instead of storming off like she usually does, she gets in my face. “Who the hell do you think you are? We’ve been dating a long time, but that does not mean you can talk to me like I’m worthless.” She takes a deep breath. “I’m leaving, and I don’t care if I have to walk all the way home,” she screams. “I’m tired of this shit, and can’t take it anymore.”

She walks toward the barely visible driveway in the middle of the field. That’s the reaction I was expecting a few moments ago. I didn’t expect her to essentially end things with me in front of the entire damn party.

“That’s okay, bitch, keep walking. Now I don’t have to deal with your moody ass anymore,” I laugh.

She stops dead in her tracks. One second. Two. She turns long enough to flip me off, and starts walking again.

Regret fills me with her parting gesture. Did I seriously just say that to her and laugh? I wanted to do something to piss her off, but I didn’t think before I said it.

“Dude,” Randall says. “You’re better off without her dragging you down.”

“Yeah,” I chuckle. It’s not funny. Not even a little bit. I just ruined everything with the only bright spot in my life. The one person who could calm me down after getting into arguments with my parents. I fucked up and I know there’s no way of fixing it.

Art Assignment from Reaf’s Point of View

This project is going to be so easy. Thompson handed us the final exam of my dreams. It’s a good thing, too. Working as much as I do to help my family doesn’t give me much time to do homework. But if I’m going to make something of myself, I need to keep up with doing both.

Glancing up, I see the screen on one of the computers in the row ahead of me. My stomach plummets and my heart stops. No. I’m not going to let someone choose Picasso before me. It’s not going to happen. Even if the girl looking the artist up, is the one I had a crush on at the beginning of the semester. The person I still have a crush on despite her growing belly and the possibility of her being with someone else.

The whole time we’ve been in the computer lab, I’ve been playing games because I already know who I want to do. I never thought I’d have to pick anyone else. Though, it should have crossed my mind because he is a popular, well-known artist.

The forty-five- minute research time is up, and I scoot my chair back. The sound must haveof alerted her because she stands up so quickly I worry she’s going to topple over. She walks toward Professor Thompson as if she’s on a top- secret mission.

Shit, she beat me to him. More importantly, how does a pregnant woman move that fast? She’s rambling about how she feels like she should be allowed to pick Picasso, even if he’s well-known. A growl of frustration slips from my lips, and she rounds on me. Anger protruding from her stance. But she doesn’t say anything, she only stares at me. That’s it.

Ignoring her as best I can, I turn toward our professor. “Professor Thompson, I was going to pick Picasso.”

“Now Reaf, Tonya here has already chosen Picasso. She got here first so you’ll need to pick another artist.”

Stuttering, I argue, “But… Wwhy can’t we have two people do the same artist. Many of these works have vast differences, and different looks.”

Professor Thompson considers this for a moment. “I guess I can bend the rules a little. Which piece are you wanting to reproduce?”

“Guernica.” I don’t hesitate. It’s my favorite piece of art, and I’ve been itching to recreate it for a while.

Tonya eyes me, and it’s starting to make me uncomfortable. Not because I’m intimidated by her, but because I want to know what she’s thinking.

Thompson finally nods. “Okay, I’ll put you down for that work.” He writes something down in his notebook. “Since y’all have decided to do the same artists, I want a report from you that shows the diversity in an artist’s portfolio…together.”

We gape at him until we realize he’s not going to change his mind since neither of us are willing to give up the paintings we’ve requested. After a quick glance, Tonya grabs her things and hauls ass out of the computer lab. Is the thought of working with me that horrible? On the other hand, having to work with her on a project is going to take away work hours that I desperately need.

Rushing back to my chair, I grab my bag and hurry down the hall after her. I grab her arm, trying not to show my frustration at how many hours I’m going to lose. Apparently, I don’t do a good job. Her eyebrows are scrunched together as she stares me down. Not giving a damn about what I have to say. “I guess since we’re working together, I’ll be seeing more of you.”

I take her in from head to toe. She’s beautiful, and whoever she’s with is one lucky guy. Even if she has a crappy attitude sometimes. Without saying another word, I walk off. The only plus side in all of this is I’ll get to know the girl I’ve been crushing on better.

Original Prologue for Welcome to Your Life

There’s nothing like sitting around a bonfire in the beginning of summer.  It’s already hot as Hades, and this whole shindig is ridiculous.  I know it’s supposed to be our last big party since we graduated a few hours ago, but I’m pretty much over it.  It’s the same people and the same place.  Doesn’t anyone get tired of seeing each other all the damn time?   

I’m in shorts and a tank top, standing as far away from the monstrosity of flames as I can, and I’m still sweating.  I’m surprised the police haven’t been called out here by concerned neighbors. The flames are definitely high enough to be seen from town. But I guess being in the middle of a field  on private property keeps that from happening.   Jake and his buddies didn’t plan this well at all.  We should be at a pool somewhere, or hell, even the lake.  Everyone thought it was a great idea since the star athlete suggested it.  I told him otherwise, and he acted as if I never even opened my mouth.   

Jake is standing with a few of his friends and I’m heading toward him.  I don’t feel like being here anymore.  I’d much rather be at home, curled up in bed and reading a book. 

“I’m ready to go,” I tell Jake when I reach him.  He completely ignores me, like he always does when we’re at these parties.  Don’t get me wrong he’s a nice guy, but when he starts drinking, he goes into asshole mode.   

I tap him on the arm, “I said I’m ready to go, Jake.” 

He whirls around on me.  And I can already tell by that glazed look in his eyes that he’s going to be a jerk.  

“Well, I’m not.  Go hang out with Cami, or something.” He glares at me, daring me to argue with him.  

“Cami is hooking up with some guy.  It’s hot, and I’m tired of standing around.” I know I should keep my mouth closed but I don’t like being told what to do.   

“Too damn bad, Tonya.  I’m not leaving, so chill the fuck out.”   

And this statement right here pisses me off more than anything.  I don’t understand why he thinks he can treat me like shit when he starts drinking.  Is it some kind of man code or something?  I know some of the other guys don’t act like this, but the sad fact is, most of them do.   

I stare Jake down, and when he won’t give an inch, I unleash. “Who the hell do you think you are? We’ve been dating for a long time, but that does not mean you can talk to me like I’m worthless.  I’m leaving, and I don’t care if I have to walk all the way home.,” I shout. “As far as I’m concerned, we are done. I’m tired of this shit, and can’t take it anymore.” 

I notice everything has gone eerily quiet, and I glance around.  Just fucking great.  We’ve attracted a crowd.  That was not my intention, but I can’t deal with this anymore.  It’s the same thing every weekend, and I’m just tired of it.  I love Jake, but not enough for this.  Besides, we are going to different schools in the fall.  I seriously doubt the long- distance thing would work anyway.  Better to end it now, even if it is in front of the whole senior class.   I love Jake, well, at least I did. Things have been strained between us lately. I don’t feel connected to him the way I did before this last semester. We’ve started drifting. And now, we’re just going through the motions. Staying together because we don’t know how to be alone anymore. We shouldn’t stay stagnant with each other, and I’m over being his pretty little lapdog. 

I start walking to the driveway, and come to a halt when I hear him yelling behind me.  

“That’s okay bitch, keep walking.  Now I don’t have to deal with your moody ass anymore.” He’s laughing as he says all this. 

I want to beat the hell out of him so bad.  But I don’t really want to cause any more of a scene.  I already know that I’ll be the talk of the town tomorrow, and I don’t want to give them anything else to add to their gossip.  I flip Jake the finger and continue on my merry way.  

I should probably call my parents to come pick me up, but I’m a little buzzed and don’t want to get a lecture.  Walking is probably the dumbest idea I’ve had today. Well… besides telling Jake off in front of everyone.  That ranks right up there at the top.  I’m slowly making my way down the road when a car pulls up beside me.  

“Do you need a lift?” a guy asks.   

“No thanks,” I say as I keep walking.  

“You sure?”  

I look in the car, and at the driver.  He went to our school a couple of years ago. I don’t remember his name, but he was always hanging around Cami’s brother.    I know this is probably a really bad idea, but I nod, open the door, and slide into the passenger seat.  My feet are killing me, and I barely made it half a mile down the road. One day I’ll learn not to wear heels to these events.   

This dude looks completely sober.  I know that I’ve seen him around, and I don’t get any bad vibes off him, but I still keep my hand on the door handle just in case I need to jump out. Dramatic maybe, but I’ve seen those movies where girls getting in cars with strangers end up in a ditch somewhere.   

“Rough night?” he asks.  

“Yeah,” I reply.  “I’m not really in the mood to talk, but can you drop me off at my house?  I’d really appreciate it.” 

He nods and we continue on in silence after I give him my address.  It doesn’t take long since we live in a pretty small town, and soon we’re pulling into my parent’s driveway.   

I open the door, and hesitate. “Thanks for the ride.” 

“No problem.  Glad I could make sure you got home safe,.” Hhe says.   

When I get out, I turn around and mystery guy gives me a quick wave.  I wish I had asked him his name.  Now I feel like a total bitch.  But I’m also relieved to finally be home.  I let myself in, slip off my shoes, and collapse on the couch.  After that big showdown I don’t even have the energy to go to my bed.   

I check my phone, but there aren’t any messages.  I text Cami letting her know that I’m home and that I’ll text her in the morning.  I’m sure she’ll have questions after she finds out that I dumped Jake in front of everyone at the party.  

I set my phone on the coffee table, grab the blanket that’s thrown over the couch, and try my best to fall asleep.  


There’s pounding coming from the front door, and I jump up.  What time is it? I look at my phone but it’s dead since I forgot to put it on the charger last night.  I stretch and then rush to the door to see who is knocking on the door like they’re the police.  I swing it open, and find Cami standing there, mid-knock. 

“You look like hell,” are the first words out of her mouth.  “What happened to you last night? You just disappeared and then everyone was talking about how you dumped Jake for another guy, and all kinds of craziness!” 

This is Cami at her finest.  I love her to death, but she is way too dramatic.  I grab her arm, yank her inside, and lead her to my room.  I don’t know why she even knocks.  She has a key to our house.  She practically lives here.  We’ve been friends for what seems like forever, and she’s the one I dump all my emotions on.  And after last night, I need her. 

As soon as we get into the room I blurt out, “What do you mean I dumped Jake for another guy?” 

She shrugs like it isn’t a big deal.  “I don’t know.  That’s just what he’s telling everyone, and that you’ve been cheating on him the past couple of months.  I know it’s not true, but he’s the one everyone is going to listen to.” 

“I can’t believe that arrogant asshole! I mean, seriously.  I’ve done nothing but whatever he wants to do since we’ve been together.  How can I possibly be seeing someone else when I’m always with him?” I’m ranting I know, but come on.  

Cami looks like she’s about to start backing away from a feral animal. “I know, Tonya.  Believe me, I know you would never do that. But that’s what he’s telling people.  I just wanted to give you a heads up.  Now enough with the idiotic ex-boyfriend talk.  Let’s grab some crap food and watch TV all day.” 

We walk out of the room and head to the kitchen.  If there is one thing I specialize in its junk food.  And it’s just what I need right now to deal with this shit storm Jake is causing me.  I wonder how bad the rumor has gotten since just last night.  Cami knows because somehow, she’s always the first to know everything.  I just hope this doesn’t get around to the entire town.  I’ll have to do some major damage control, and I don’t really want my parents to hear whatever lies he thinks he needs to spread in order to keep his rep intact.   

We fill our arms up with ice cream, cookies, popcorn and drinks.  Cami must sense I’m not up to talking because she doesn’t press me on my sudden silence.  Instead, she grabs the blanket off the top of the couch and gets everything ready for us to start our Vampire Diaries marathon.   

About halfway through the first season, Cami is sound asleep.  I guess getting up at the ass crack of dawn after partying all night caught up with her.  I make sure she is comfortable and hurry to my room.  Grabbing my phone, I try to gather all the courage I can.  Then I jab the speed dial icon, much harder than needed, and prepare to lay into this asshole who is now dead set on ruining my reputation.  

Jake doesn’t answer, of course.  I don’t know if he’s still passed out from whatever hangover he has, or if he’s avoiding my calls.  This almost pisses me off worse than telling everyone I was cheating on him.  If he’s ignoring me that just shows how much of a coward he really is.  He has no problem putting my name out there with lies, but the moment I try to call him on his bullshit, he’s conveniently not available.   

I’m beyond pissed at this point and I know nothing is going to calm me down but music at ear pounding levels.  I grab my headset and pull up Bush’s Razorblade Suitcase and try to let the sexy voice behind the angry lyrics bring me down.  It’s probably not the best choice of music to listen to right now, but I need something.  I climb on my bed, close my eyes, and let my mind wander while Gavin’s voice calms my nerves.  

I’m not sure how much time passes but when I open my eyes my mom is standing over me.    It scares the shit out of me, and I jump, almost hitting her in the face.  It would be comical if she didn’t have a stern look on her face.   

“Tonya what in the world are you doing?  And why is Cami asleep on the couch?” Mom starts badgering me.  I glance at the clock and realize it’s been a couple of hours.  I’m actually surprised Cami is still here.  

“Cami came over to get a sugar rush and fell asleep while watching TV.  I came in here because I needed to blow off steam, and kind of zoned out.  Why?  You’re looking at me like I’ve murdered someone.”  I know I probably don’t want the answer to this question, but she looks like awfully pale.  

Mom sighs, “Baby girl, I’ve heard some… things.  I’m sure they aren’t true, but it’s not something I like hearing around town.  And it’s even worse when one of my clients is gossiping to me about my own daughter.  What happened last night?” 

Now I’m fuming.  It’s one thing for my best friend to already have this ridiculous information, but for my mom to be hearing this crap pisses me off beyond belief.  “What did you hear?  Because I can tell you right now it’s probably a bunch of bullshit.” 

Mom looks like she doesn’t want to say what I already know is about to come out of her mouth.  “Well, this person said that the quarterback’s girlfriend has been screwing guys behind his back.” She grimaces at how harsh she sounds.  “And I told her that running her mouth probably isn’t the best way to spend her time, and we would need to reschedule our appointment to a later time.  Are you going to tell me what happened?” 

Now it’s my turn to sigh.  I rub my temples as I fill Mom in on everything that happened last night. 

I hate that pitying look Mom has on her face.  But it quickly morphs into rage.  It’s pretty safe to say that I get my attitude and temperament from my mom.  It doesn’t take much to get us going, especially when it comes to family.  

Mom bolts upright.  “Are you kidding me! He’s actually spreading those lies around town.  After y’all have been together for so long.  I know things have been a little rough with you  two the past few months, but that doesn’t mean he has the right to give this town something to talk about. You deserve better than that, and did the right thing leaving his ass there.”  Her angry face is pretty terrifying right now. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so pissed.    

I know my mom is itching to go hunt down the rat bastard, and make him sorry he ever wanted to be my boyfriend.  I put a hand on her arm, and shake my head.  “Mom, please let me handle this.  I’m not some weakling who’s afraid of confrontation.  Jake will make this right.  Gotta love living in Small Town, TX.  Where rumors fly, and nobody listens.” 

Mom brings me in for a monster of a hug.  “Go wake up Cami and meet me in the kitchen.  This situation calls for brownies.”  

Mom sets out an array of cookies.  I swear I don’t know how she finds time to bake, work, and worry about me.  She also pulls a carton of vanilla bean ice cream out of the freezer to top the warm gooeyness that are her cookies.  There is no better way to eat them.   

“This is the perfect way to get rid of boy problems,” Mom says while pushing bowls of yummy goodness toward me and Cami.  I nod in agreement.  I can’t think of a better way.  

After stuffing our faces, Cami announces that she has to leave to have dinner with her dad.  She comes from a seriously fucked up family.  I don’t understand how she is still even remotely sane.  

I give her a hug, and thank her for letting me know about the shit storm that is headed my way.  

I hear the front door open and then slam shut really fast.  I get up to see what’s going on, and crash right into Cami.  

“I thought—” I stammer out, but she quickly cuts me off.  

“Tonya, you’ve got a problem,” is all she says before she rushes out.

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