Shoot Down the Stars Bonus Scene

Chapter One


“What’s wrong?” Randall is putting a few gifts he’s wrapped under the small tree he let me set up in his apartment. I swear I spend more time here than I do at my aunt and uncle’s. At this point I should probably move in, but I’m not doing that until he actually asks me to.

“Nothing.” I’m scrolling through my phone, looking at all the pictures my friends are posting with their families.

“You’re lying.” He gets off the floor and comes to sit next to me.

It’s annoying how well he knows me. We haven’t even been dating as long as most of the other people in our circle, but he still gets me in a way nobody else does. “Fine,” I pout. “I’m just upset that I won’t get to be with my family for Christmas. It’s times like this that I wish I didn’t work in retail.”

“Even though you love working at the boutique?” He stares at me, waiting for my answer.

Do I love it more than I do spending time with my family? Not even a little a bit. My family is everything. It was something we felt and knew growing up. I’m a little jealous of Tonya for being able to go. For as long as I can remember, I’ve spent every holiday with her. “I do love working there. It’s just weird not being with everyone.”

“Well, you only have to work one more day and then you’ll have a day off.” He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. “I know it’s not the same, but hopefully being with me will make Christmas a little easier.”

Crap. The holidays are always tough for Randall. His parents didn’t do much to make him feel loved. Especially, after his mom left and never came back. I don’t want to make him feel like he’s not enough. “Anytime I’m with you, I’m happy. Even though you haven’t met everyone yet, you’re a part of the family, too.”

“We can always make our own traditions.” This is a first. He’s never made any mention about traditions before. We have our own with my family. On Christmas Eve it’s all the delicious Mexican food we can imagine, and the traditional dinner on Christmas Day.

“Like what?” I’m curious to see where he’s going to go with this.

He shrugs. “I don’t know. Go see Christmas lights, make a specific dinner every year. Find something we both enjoy doing and make it a point to do it every single year.”

“I like that.” It’s good to start new traditions. To do something we’ve never done with anyone else and make it our own. Plus side…it’ll take some of the sting out of not seeing everyone.

“Are you staying here tonight?” The words are a soft caress against my earlobe.

“Do you even have to ask?” I should go home. There’s a good chance Tia needs my help with something, but I don’t want to. I want to stay curled up in Randall’s arm as much as possible. Here I’m not alone. I’m not there either, but this. This feels like home. Getting up early to go get ready before my work day is going to suck, but it’s one hundred percent worth it.

Randall doesn’t say anything for a few moments, but he lets go of my hand and runs his through his hair. “I have a question.”

“I’m pretty sure you just asked one.” I’m being a smartass, I know, but it feels redundant when one says they have a question then asks it.

“You have a point.” He messes with his hair again. Whatever the question is must be huge because this is one of his nervous ticks. “What would you think about moving in with me?”

My mouth drops open. It’s like he was reading my mind. “I…I’d love to. When?”

He lets out of a relieved breath. As if I would say no. “Whenever you want. Just let me know and I’ll take off work to help you move things in.”

“You don’t have to do that.” The offer is sweet, but I really don’t have that much stuff. Most of it is still at my parents’ house. I didn’t need any furniture when I decided to move into Tonya’s old room. “I think I can manage most of the stuff.”

I wonder how my aunt and uncle are going to take it. They’ll be real empty nesters when I’m gone. This is most likely Cami’s last year of staying there when she’s on break and without me…they’ll be there alone. I’m sure they’ll be fine. They’ll get to do whatever it is parents do when they don’t have kids at home bugging them about everything. Not that I do that. At least, not all the time.

“I’m not going to let you do it alone, Amelia,” he rolls his eyes. “You may not have a lot of stuff, but that’s what I’m here for. To love you and help you with whatever you need.”

Just like that some of the sadness about not seeing my family has gone away. Not all of it, but enough that I’m not quite so melancholy. Tonya is going to freak when I tell her. She’s been bugging me for ages about bringing it up, but I felt like it wasn’t my place to do so. “Thank you, Randall. You’ve definitely made my night a million times better.”

“Good. I’ve wanted to ask you for months, but I would chicken out every time. And at least now you have a little something to be happy about.” He wraps his arm around me and picks up the remote for the television. “You may want to let your aunt and uncle know you’re staying the night so they don’t freak out.”

“Eh,” I shrug. “At this point they know where I’m at if I’m not home. But I’ll text them.”

Amelia: Hey Tia, I’m staying with Randall tonight. And probably every night for the foreseeable future.

Tia: Did he ask you to move in with him!?!

It didn’t take her long to put two and two together.

Amelia: Yep. I’ll start slowly moving my things over. But I’ll be there bright and early to get ready for work.

Tia: I’m happy for you. You two make a good pair. And I’m sure I’ll be awake.

Amelia: Thank you.

“Done,” I snuggle further into Randall. “If I fall asleep, will you wake me to go to the bed. This couch really isn’t all that comfortable.”

“Sure.” He pulls me tighter to him. “But that will be the first thing you decide on when you move in. I can’t have a couch you don’t feel comfortable napping on.” I would argue with him, but it’s true. His couch sucks. But he’ll be helping me decide on the next one. I can’t just overrun his home with all the things I want. It wouldn’t be a true partnership that way.

Chapter Two


I can’t believe I finally gathered the courage to ask Amelia to move in with me. I’ve gone back and forth over it for a lot longer that I should have. I’m not even sure I would have asked her last night if she hadn’t been so sad about not seeing her family. It was the only thing I could think of to make her feel better.

The alarm she set has been going off for over five minutes, and I don’t really want to wake her. We stayed up later than we should have watching Christmas movies. She rolls over and slams her hand on the phone. “Make it stop.”

There are so many times, like now, that Amelia reminds me of Tonya. They both loathe mornings. If anyone tried talking to Tonya before ten when we were in school, she’d give them more attitude than they deserved. Having Layla made her become more of a morning person, though. I wonder if Amelia will be the same. Not so much with having a baby. We aren’t there yet. But just in general. I’ve always been someone that wakes up early. The sooner I got up and out of the house, the better. It gave me fewer chances to be around my dad in his hungover, abusive state.

I pull Amelia closer to me. “I’m pretty sure you just did. At least for the next five minutes if you pressed snooze by accident.”

“I don’t want to get up,” she groans into the pillow. “Working on Christmas Eve is dumb. I remember my parents talking about how they got off early and all the stores were closed. It seems like those were simpler times and didn’t interfere with family time.”

“You won’t hear an argument from me.” I’ve worked retail since I was in high school, and this is the first year I haven’t had to work on Christmas Eve. I finally gained seniority and I hope that trend continues. “But you need to get up soon if you’re going to get to work on time. You still have to go to your aunt’s house to get ready.”

“I know. It would be so much easier if I was already living here. Or, at least had clothes that I kept here.” Amelia throws the blankets off both of us and I want so badly to pull them back up on my side. It’s not too cold, but the sudden change in temperature has me freezing without the blankets. “What are you going to do while I’m suffering through the day?”

I hate that she refers to a job she loves as suffering. “I’m going to rearrange some of my stuff to make room for your things. Maybe start searching for a new couch.” There are a few other things I intend to do, but I can’t let her know what they are just yet.

“I can help you with that. It’s not like I’ll be anywhere else tomorrow.” She gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom. I feel awful about how sad and deflated she sounds. Hopefully what I have planned pans out. I can’t work on it until she leaves, though.

“Nope,” I argue. “Tomorrow you will rest and take a day to relax. We’ll go eat lunch with your aunt and uncle then be lazy for the rest of the day.” I have so much more I want to share with her. But I can’t. Not yet, anyway.

A few moments later she comes out of the bathroom to where I’m still lying on the bed. “That actually sounds like a fantastic day.” She leans down to give me a quick kiss. “I have to go before I’m late. Love you.”

“Love you, too,” I call to her retreating form. The door closes and I know she’s really gone. Now the plans can commence. First order of business…call the boutique. I know her boss gets there at the crack of dawn, even when she’s not technically working.


“Hey, Mr. Burgess,” I wave to Tonya’s dad as I get out of my car. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

He mumbles something about everyone needing to talk to him today. “Sure,” he nods. “I hear Amelia is moving in with you.” Damn, news travels fast. I bet she told Mrs. Burgess last night when she texted her.

“Yes, sir.” He’s never been a huge fan of me, but I hope I’ve proven myself to him by now. “I have a plan in place that may make it to where we aren’t here tomorrow for lunch. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay with that.”

“As long as it’s nothing that will get the two of you in trouble, I’m okay with it.” He takes a deep breath. “I know she’s been down about not going to Lala’s.”

“Yeah, if this storm holds off, I’m going to try to make it happen.”

“Well, it’s cold. Can we take this conversation inside?” Mr. Burgess heads to the front door, his truck still wide open. “I need to finish getting things for the party.”

“Oh, no that was it. I have a few more things I need to get done.” I back up toward my car.

“Okay,” he waves. “Just let me know if, and when, to expect you. I think Cami and Travis will be here for breakfast. If your plans fall through, you’re more than welcome.”

“Thanks, Mr. B.” I need to get back to the house and pack. We’re going to need to be on the road as soon as we can.

Chapter Three


There’s absolutely no reason we should be open today. We’ve had maybe two people come in. Most of the town is flocking to the grocery stores to get last minute food items and hoard bread, milk, and toilet paper for the ice storm we are supposed to get. I’ve never understood the toilet paper thing. Will people actually go to the bathroom that much when they can’t be on the road for a few days? The thought process some folks have is mind boggling.

The bell over the door rings and I’m fully expecting to see a frantic woman searching for the perfect dress for her little one. Most come in when the outfit they picked out for pictures doesn’t work exactly the way they hoped. Instead, it’s my boss, Sheila. “I thought you weren’t working today.” I plater the biggest, fakest smile I can manage on my face. I can’t have her thinking her best employee is a grinch.

“I’m not,” she comes toward the checkout counter with a small gift bag in her hand. “And neither are you.”

“But you had me on the schedule.” At least, I thought she did. I’m the only person she’s hired that has a key and she’s not usually here when I come in. She knows I’m fully capable of opening and closing the store should I need to.

“I did.” She bobs her head up and down. “And now I’m telling you to go home.”

“Why?” I should shut up now. This is that whole looking a gift horse in the mouth thing, and I’d be stupid to keep arguing.

“Because there are hardly any cars in the parking lot. You are the only one in the store, aside from me, and you should be with your family on Christmas Eve. Not dealing with crazy customers that didn’t shop early enough.” She places the gift bag on the counter in front of me. “Also, this is for you. I forgot to leave it when I came in this morning to stock the register.”

I pull the bag closer to me. “Won’t customers be mad if they come by and we’re closed?” I’ve worked in retail long enough to know that people don’t like to be inconvenienced. “And you didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Just accept the gift.” She waves her hand flippantly. As if her getting me something isn’t a big deal. I’ve never received anything from my former employers so this feels weird. “You do more than any employee I’ve ever had and I want to show my gratitude.” She turns to stare at the now empty lot. “As for customers…this will be a test run how they deal with it. I’m thinking I’ll keep the shop closed on Christmas Eve going forward.”

That would be amazing I would be able to see my family for more than a day trip. “I like this new idea.”

“I figured you would,” she motions toward the bag again, “now open your gift.”

Moving the tissue paper aside, I reach into the bag. I pull out a keychain with the initials A and R in silver, along with a gift card to the local steakhouse. “What is this for?”

“Christmas, Honey,” her grin is wide. “Plus a little bird told me your living arrangements are changing, and that’s something worth celebrating.”

There’s no way she could know that already. I’ve only told Tia Lucia. The only way she could know is… “Did Randall call you?”

Guilt crosses her face for a split second. I would have missed if I blinked. “He did. But not to tell me about you moving in with him. He said you were feeling homesick and asked if I would let you off early.”

“So, you’re doing all of this just for me?”

“Of course,” she pats my hand. “I’m not sure why I’ve always opened on this day. We’re never busy. And you, Amelia, are the first employee I’ve had whose family doesn’t live here. It wouldn’t be right if I kept you away from them.”

The people I’ve met in this town never cease to amaze me. I rush around the counter and throw my arms around her. “Thank you so much, Sheila. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

She gives me a small squeeze and steps away from me. “You’re welcome. Now get out of here. I’ll get everything locked up.”

“Are you sure?” I know she is and I’m already walking to the back of the store to grab my stuff. “I have no problem locking up.”

“Yes, I’m sure.” She’s already shutting down the computer. “Go before I change my mind.”

I won’t let her repeat herself again. I grab my stuff from the back before rushing out of the store. It’s not even lunchtime yet and I think we can get on the road pretty quickly. I hope Randall’s ready for my crazy excited self. He once again proves that he’ll move mountains for me.

Chapter Four


My overnight bag is packed and ready. We’ll only be able to stay until tomorrow night. Both of us have to work the day after Christmas. It sucks but I can at least give her this small bit of happiness with her family. Now I just need to get this shelf finished before she gets here.

Thirty minutes have gone by and I’m putting the last shelf on the bookcase when the door opens. “Randall, you’re a freaking miracle worker.” Amelia flies into the room and launches herself at me. Did she even close the door? I take a peek behind her and see that’s still slightly ajar.

“Woah,” I wrap my arms around her to keep from falling backward. “What’s the rush?” Hopefully Shelia didn’t tell her I was the reason for closing early.

She hugs me even hard. “Thank you for talking Sheila into letting me off early.” Well, there goes the surprise. I was trying to be a silent hero, not someone who takes all the glory. Though, if I had my guesses, Amelia didn’t give her much of a choice. “We can be at Mama Lala’s before dinner if we leave soon. Please, tell me you’re packed.”

I can’t keep the chuckle from coming out. “Yes, I’m packed.” I release my hold on her and step back. “I really wanted it to be a surprise. Hell, I didn’t even want you to know I was responsible.”

“It’s better this way,” she shrugs. “You know I hate surprises.” The new piece of furniture catches her attention. “What’s this?”

“I figured since you’ve been accumulating more books for the book club y’all have, I’d buy you a bookshelf to hold them all. I was just putting the finishing touches on it.”

I haven’t seen her this happy in a while. Not since before she found out she’d be working today, anyway. “You’ve been busy this morning. I love it.” She eyes the cramped living room. “Where are you going to put it?”

She has a point. I didn’t think about that when I bought it. Her joy was the only thing prompting the purchase. Well, that and finding a way to make the space also feel like it’s hers. “Um, where you want it. I’ll rearrange things if I need to.”

“How about…” She turns in a slow circle searching for the perfect spot. Finally, she stops. “How about next to the television. We can move the DVDs that are on the rack to the bottom shelf and it should fit perfectly.” She pulls out her phone and checks the time. “I better head to Lucia’s and pack a bag. I want to get on the road as soon as possible.”

“Sounds good.” Her fingers are now flying over the screen. “What are you doing?”

“Texting Tonya.” She shakes her head as if I should be a mind reader and know that already. “I want to let her know I’m coming after all.”

“Do you want me to come with you to pack?” I feel like I need to do something. Anything to keep that smile on her face, and keep her relaxed.

“No, I’ve got it.” She shakes her head and faces me again. “I’m going to bring some clothes to leave here as well so I don’t have to rush to Lucia and Jason’s when we get back.” She sighs and wraps her arms around my waist. “I wish we could stay longer than a night, but I’m grateful I at least get this.”

“Next year we’ll come up with a plan to spend a few more days with them.” I give her a tight squeeze. “Go get your bag packed and by the time you get back I’ll have this shelf moved to where you want it.”

“Thank you,” she whispers before bringing her lips to mine. Her mouth moves slowly against mine, showing me how grateful she is. She’s pulls away and head to the still open door. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay, be careful. We’ll leave as soon as you get back.


Amelia has been gone over an hour. With how excited she was when she left, I expected her back twenty minutes ago. I don’t live that far from her aunt and uncle. Shooting off another text to her, I pace back and forth across the living room. Every time I get to the window, I peek through the curtains to see if she’s pulled up in the spot she usually occupies. Still nothing.

I pause my pacing to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. My phone is in my hand with Tonya’s number pulled up. Maybe she’s heard from Amelia. The front door opens then slams shut, and I rush to the living room to see what’s going on. Amelia is standing in the doorway, but she isn’t holding a bag. Tears stream down her face. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“We aren’t going to Mama Lala’s.” Sniffles almost make the words unrecognizable.

“What?” Not going isn’t part of the plan to give her a Christmas she deserves. How could everything fall apart so close to being on the road.

“Tonya text me back when I was packing.” Sniffle. “She said we shouldn’t try coming today.”

“But why?” I know we’re supposed to get an ice storm here, but if we go now…we’ll miss it.

“The storm is headed our way,” another sniffle. “It’s already hit there and the roads are pretty bad. They slid off the road and had to drive well below the speed limit to finish the trip.”

I rush toward her and pull her into my arms. “I’m so sorry.” It feels like everything I put into action just blew up in my face.

“I knew it was too good to be true,” she cries into my chest. “I miss everyone so much.”

My heart breaks for her. I tried so hard to make it a good holiday for her. I don’t have much family, aside from my dad, so I’ve never had the big gathering. But she’s used to being with the whole family. “I know, Baby. Maybe we can see everyone next week for New Year’s.”

“Maybe,” she’s crying harder now. My shirt soaking through with her tears. “It just won’t be the same.”

I have no clue what to do now. Picking her up, I make my way to the couch. The best thing I can do is hold her and let her cry out her emotions. Now…I need to figure out what I can do to make this situation better. It won’t be the same, but I might have an idea that may bring her some peace.

Chapter Five


A ray of sunlight hits my face and I look around to see where I am. There’s a crick in my neck, and I realize we both fell asleep on the sofa. I think it might be even more uncomfortable with both of us on it. I’m definitely getting us a new one when I’m all the way moved in. I cannot deal with this madness on a frequent basis.

Randall’s eyes slowly open. He must have felt me moving around. “Good morning, Beautiful. Merry Christmas.”

Just like that the events from yesterday coming crashing back down. The high of thinking I was going to see my family followed by the heartbreak of realizing the roads were too dangerous. I almost ignored Tonya’s warning and went anyway. We would have been careful and driven extra slowly if we needed to. The only reason I didn’t attempt it is because Uncle Jason threatened to take away my keys.

“Merry Christmas.” I can’t bring myself to be chipper. Not only is it stupid morning time, but it’s also hard to get excited when I’m not surrounded by family.

“Hey,” Randall lifts my chin until my eyes meet his. “It will be okay. We’ll make this most of the day.”

I have my doubts. He isn’t used to big family gatherings. He’s always done everything in his power to avoid his father. My family, on the other hand, is extremely tight-knit. Not waking up to my cousins fighting over bacon is weird. But he’s gone above and beyond when it comes to showing me what he can make happen. “I trust that you’ll do everything you can to make the day amazing.” He winces and I feel horrible for how that came out. “Sorry, I promise I’ll be in a better mood once I’ve been awake for a few minutes.”

“It’s okay.” He brushes his fingers through my hair. “I’ll make some coffee and we can head over to your aunt and uncle’s for breakfast.”

I’m not sure I want to be around anyone, but he’s trying. “Okay,” I swing my legs off the couch, ready to be off the damned thing. “I’m going in my jammies, though. Well, I will when we get there since I left my bag.”

“I honestly don’t think they care. I’ll go in my jammies, too, if it’ll make you feel better.” He stands up and walks to the kitchen.

“Great.” I leave Randall to make the coffee while I find my toothbrush in his bathroom. Soon I’ll be able to change clothes here instead of going back and forth. It’s starting to get annoying.


“Merry Christmas, Melly,” Uncle Jason is way too loud for the hour of day. I managed to get both Randall and I inside without notice. But he heard my door close when I came out of the room from changing. “Y’all come to the kitchen. Lucia cooked enough food to feed an army.”

“Is there a time she doesn’t?” Randall jokes. “Even when we were kids, she cooked more than any of us would ever eat.”

“And I got all the leftovers,” Jason grins. “I’m sure we’ll be sending some home with the two of you.”

“No offense, Uncle J, but leftover breakfast doesn’t usually reheat well.” I’ve tried it. The eggs tend to feel rubbery, and it’s just gross.

He snorts. “You act like she cooked traditional breakfast foods. I happen to know how much you love Mama Lala’s gorditas, and I made sure Lucia cooked some just for you.” He looks behind him toward the kitchen in question. “There’s also a ton of desserts.”

This is why Jason is my favorite uncle. The extra mile he goes when making days special for those he loves is amazing. “Thank you.” A tear runs down my cheek and I try to swipe it away before anyone else sees it. I’m pretty sure everyone saw it, but they are too kind to say anything. I head in the direction of the kitchen and stop when I realize Randall isn’t behind me. “Are you coming?”

His phone is in his hand and he glances up at me in surprise. “Yeah, I’ll, uh, be there in a few moments.”

Weird. He doesn’t usually lag behind when we’re here. I don’t think he wants to admit he’s slightly terrified of Jason. They’ve had a rocky relationship since we were kids. Hell, I don’t think he got along well with anyone outside of Jake and Marshall. He’ll come in when he’s ready, I guess.

Cami and Travis are sitting at the table, their plates already piled high. “Good morning,” I call out because it’s the nice thing to do.

“You shouldn’t start the morning so chipper,” Cami groans. She’s completely dressed and her hair looks amazing. “It’s too early for that nonsense.”

Laughter bubbles up from inside me. The first time I’ve done it since yesterday afternoon. “Says the one who is all dolled up.”

“Only because we have somewhere to go,” she huffs. “Otherwise my butt would still be in bed catching some sleep.”

“Preach,” I hold up my hands as if I’m in church. Randall comes into the kitchen with his hands behind his back. “What’s going on?”

“I know the ice storm was a bit of a sucker punch for our plans, but I couldn’t sit by and watch you be sad.” He pulls his hand out from behind his back. “This isn’t the same, but you’ll be able to see all of your family…even from a distance.”

He holds his iPad up. I didn’t even see him grab it before we left. My whole family is on the screen. Well, sort of. They are squished together and some of their heads are cut off, but they are there. “Merry Christmas” they yell in unison. Layla is front and center reaching her arms out toward me screaming “Mel.” Gah, I love that kid. I’m just lucky she hasn’t taken to calling me Melly like her grandpa does.

This time there’s no hiding the tears. No holding back. “Merry Christmas, guys.” My voice is choked and I still can’t wrap my mind around how amazing Randall truly is. “Tia Lucia, can you take the iPad really quick?”

“Sure.” She holds out her hand for Randall to give it to her. Once she has it, she keeps the conversation going.

I pull Randall to the side. “How did you manage this at the last minute?”

“I wanted you to still be able to see them. When you fell asleep last night, I text Tonya and we got it all set up.” He brushes a finger along my jawline and smiles. “Your happiness is all that matters to me.”

“Thank you,” I lean into his hand. “You’ve truly gone above and beyond what any boyfriend should. This year was hard, but I can’t wait to start our own traditions…together.”

“I can’t wait either. Let’s get back to the call before Layla tries to steal your cousin’s phone.”

He starts for the kitchen table, but I pull him to a stop. “I love you, Randall. I can’t imagine what I would do without you.”

“I guess it’s a good thing you’ll never have to worry about that,” he winks.

I have a feeling this will go down as one of the most memorable holidays I’ve ever experienced.

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